
How to apply for financial support from the Free Movement Association

The Free Movement Association assists migrants living in precarious situations, asylum seekers, and undocumented migrants. The financial aid is intended primarily for those who reside in Finland but do not have a permanent right of residence (for example, do not have citizenship, permanent residence permit or access to the Finnish social security system).

Financial support is mainly provided for the regularisation of residence in Finland, like residence permit or other administrative fees and legal aid. You can also apply for compensation of expenses or part of expenses related to family reunification. Migrants in a precarious position may also apply for assistance for essential travel- and food expenses or medical expenses, in case they are not entitled to financial support from other sources. Also, migrants who have been deported from Finland have the right to apply for assistance.

We provide financial assistance to support migrants’ freedom of movement and the realisation of fundamental rights, regardless of status or background. Financial aid can also be applied for political activities aimed at promoting these values.

All financial assistance that we provide comes from the donations made to the association. Sometimes we receive more donations and sometimes less. For this reason, we have to evaluate each request individually and the assistance usually covers only part of the amount requested. An individual may apply for assistance more than once.

You can ask for financial assistance, by briefly explaining the need for the aid, with a written application, or call us. Requests for assistance can be submitted to vapaaliikkuvuus(at)gmail.com. The Board of the Association aims to process requests for assistance as soon as possible. We can make the bank transfer only after we have received the documentation (e..g., receipts, invoices, etc.) of expenses.