Join Free Movement Network

Join Free Movement Network to improve migrants’ rights and change unjust migration policies!

We act in various ways: you can participate in organizing events or give practical help for undocumented migrants and asylum seekers. So all kinds of people and skills are most welcome! You can join us by sending email to [email protected] and by telling shortly who you are and why do you want to join us.

Give your support to our activities by donating to our association Oikeudet ilman rajoja ry or by becoming a member. Oikeudet ilman rajoja ry (Rights without Borders) is an independent association founded in 2010 to support the work of the Free Movement Network.

Our work to help precarious migrants such as asylum seekers, undocumented or Roma migrants is funded with membership fees and donations. Even a small donation counts. Please use the reference number.

* Recipient: Oikeudet ilman rajoja ry
* IBAN Aktia FI03 4055 0010 7993 16
* Reference number: 33019

You can find the instructions on how to become a support member of the association from the website of the network: