Join action

Join Free Movement Network to improve migrants’ rights and change unjust migration policies!

We act in various ways: you can participate in organizing events or give practical help for undocumented migrants and asylum seekers. So all kinds of people and skills are most welcome! You can join us by sending email to [email protected] and by telling shortly who you are and why do you want to join us.

Free movement?

Free movement is a network of migration activists functioning since 2006. Among us, there are students, healthcare professionals, researchers, construction workers, culture workers and artists, from Finnish and migrant backgrounds. We are politically and religiously independent, and our work happens through different working groups. The network is supported by the association Vapaa Liikkuvuus (Free Movement).

We support general freedom of movement, and the realization of fundamental rights regardless of people’s status and background. Read more from our manifesto Free Movement For All.

Through our work in Helsinki and Tampere, we support the struggle of migrants for their rights. We cooperate with various Finnish human rights organizations working on with refugees and migrants. We produce and share information on controls of movement, their consequences and and struggles against them in Finland and abroad. In Helsinki and Tampere, we give advice to migrants and their supporters on matters concerning residence permits and the realization of fundamental rights. We regularly organize an open cafe, Coffee Without Borders, where people interested in migrants’ rights and freedom of movement may meet. Along the years, we have also been involved with resistance against deportations, campaigns for residence rights of asylum seekers, and defending EU-migrants’ right to housing in Helsinki.

Free Movement Association

Free Movement association (Vapaa Liikkuvuus ry, previously Oikeudet ilman rajoja ry (OIR, registered 11.6.2010)) was founded to guarantee migrants’ legal protection. Association supports migrant activism for example by raising funds for relief activities of Free Movement network. Donations are channeled mainly through FM’s counseling activity for migrants living in poverty or uncertain residence permit state. Additionally smaller part of donations are given on the basis of direct requests to the association and through other civil society actors.

Association is also responsible for the economical assets of Signal magazine which is published by network and association. In addition to FM’s counseling and advocacy work the association supports also other migrant activism. It has co-worked for example with Global Clinic of Helsinki and Stop Deportation / Right to live demonstration.

Association’s board assembles every second month. Board is responsible for association’s economy and relief decisions. Association’s annual meeting is held in spring.

Support association’s and Free Movement’s activity by becoming a member and/or donating to association’s account.

Free Movement ry board 2024

Inka Söderström, chairman

Siiri Savinotko, vice-chairman

Annareetta Rantala, treasurer

Anastasia Diatlova

Markus Himanen

Uurika Laine

Elina Niinivaara

Meri Toivakka

Katja Tuominen

Old boards of the association
